Private Edward J. Crowell died of wounds in Brest, France, on August 4, 1919.
Private Michael Flynn was killed in while serving in France on 1919.
Corp. Frank A. Cancelliere was killed in action in Vietnam on March 15, 1969
Lt. Col. Alfred Barnes was killed in action in Vietnam on May 12, 1969.
Corp. Paul Nelson was killed in action in Vietnam on May 31, 1969.
Let the people of Belleville forget none of the 112 who died in WWII, the 20 who died in WWI, the 4 who died in Korea, two who died in the Civil War, the 11 who died in Vietnam, or those Belleville Sons who died in service during peace time.
We thank all those veterans who proudly served our nation.
Copyright © 2009 by Anthony Buccino, all rights reserved. Content may not be used for commercial purposes without written permission.
Belleville Sons Honor Roll
Second Edition Ordering Information